Afro-Ecuadorian women: Voices of resistance in the struggle for the recognition of their rights




Afro-Ecuadorian women, social movement, organizational participation, recognition, and challenges


Afro-descendant women, as a result of the intersectionality of gender, class and ethnicity, face difficulties in the full exercise of their human rights. In this context, the participation and strategies of Afro-descendant women in the process of formulating their movement's demands in Ecuador are analyzed. For this purpose, a qualitative-narrative approach is applied, based on the epistemological principles of hermeneutics. Through the technique of the semi-structured interview, applied to a politically important sample that allowed to explore, in depth, the subject. The results show that women are the leaders of the organizations, educators, guardians of ancestral knowledge and caretakers of community life. Their participation in the formulation of demands does not guarantee their representation in feminist movements, and they must propose their own agendas and strategies within the social movement to ensure that their voices are heard, and their demands are represented. Their main achievement is their recognition as a people in the 2008 Constitution, however, this progress has not translated into tangible improvements. Concluding that, despite the importance of their roles, strategies and participation in the formulation of their demands, these are not fully integrated and prioritized in the political and social agendas.

Author Biographies

Sonia Catalina Siguenza-Orellana, University of Cuenca

Sonia Siguenza Orellana is a PhD candidate in Territorial Sustainability at the University of Cuenca, holding a Master’s degree in Local Development with a specialization in Social and Solidarity Economy, and a Bachelor's degree in Gender and Development. She has earned the title of Expert in Organizational Management and Transformational Leadership for Territorial Development of Buen Vivir. She also holds an International Diploma in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the Business School of the WISSEN Higher Technological Institute. She has extensive experience in facilitating training and awareness processes on topics such as transformational leadership, gender, human rights, environment, interculturality, and local development. She is skilled in social management and inter-institutional negotiation, focusing on identifying community needs and solving problems through the formulation and implementation of programs and projects. Additionally, she has experience in social research, applying qualitative and quantitative methodologies for diagnostics and project design. She has coordinated training processes and worked on the technical execution and evaluation of social projects using tools like participatory diagnostics, baseline studies, and strategic planning.

Hugo Cárdenas-Fajardo, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Hugo Rogelio Cárdenas holds a Bachelor's degree in Gender and Development from the University of Cuenca and is a graduate of the Master's program in Social Work with a specialization in Social Projects. Throughout his career, he has worked in various public and private institutions, focusing on the care of priority groups such as people with disabilities, women, and individuals in vulnerable situations. His work has contributed to the development of inclusive policies and the implementation of violence prevention and rights promotion programs, always from the perspectives of human rights, gender, interculturality, and masculinities.

Diana García-Orellana, University of Azuay

Diana García Orellana has an academic background in development, security, and international relations. She holds a Master of Science in Globalization and Development from a university in Belgium (2020) and a Master’s degree in International Relations, Security, and Development from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain, 2015). Additionally, she has a Bachelor's degree in International Studies with a bilingual specialization in Foreign Trade from the Universidad del Azuay (Ecuador, 2010). Her academic trajectory has allowed her to acquire in-depth knowledge in global issues, economic development, international security, and foreign trade, establishing herself as an expert in the analysis of international policies and strategies aimed at sustainable development and global security.



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How to Cite

Siguenza-Orellana, S. C., Cárdenas-Fajardo, H., & García-Orellana, D. (2024). Afro-Ecuadorian women: Voices of resistance in the struggle for the recognition of their rights. DICERE Revista De Derecho Y Estudios Internacionales, 1(2), 98–115.


