Marketing relacional, un estudio sobre customer engagement, customer experience y customer success
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customer engagement
customer experience
customer success
marketing relacional
proceso de venta

Come citare

Sare-Ramos, L. S., & Hallo-Alvear, R. F. (2021). Marketing relacional, un estudio sobre customer engagement, customer experience y customer success . UDAAKADEM, (8), 10–41.


El marketing relacional o también llamado marketing de relaciones, juega un papel importante en la fidelización, el relacionamiento y la retención de los clientes con una marca. Los tres tipos o vertientes de esta rama de mercadotecnia analizadas, fueron el customer engagement o compromiso del consumidor, customer experience o experiencia del consumidor y el customer success o éxito del consumidor. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las vertientes del marketing enfocados, principalmente, al tema relacional en donde a partir de sus características, dimensiones y, sobre todo, actividades se empató con el proceso de venta o comercial de las organizaciones y se planteó la Pirámide de las vertientes del marketing relacional como herramienta para la consecución de objetivos relacionales, teniendo como base el customer engagement y el customer experience. Este estudio respondió a una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva – teórico descriptivo, en la que se analizaron publicaciones científicas de carácter empíricas, teóricas, analíticas y críticas, de aquellos autores que han estudiado sobre el tema. Se concluyó que el tipo de marketing relacional con mayor cantidad de actividades relacionadas con el proceso comercial es el customer experience, ya que su objetivo principal es brindar y mantener una experiencia positiva, de inicio a fin, durante todo el proceso de compra de un consumidor. La Pirámide de las vertientes del marketing relacional tomó una forma diferente teniendo como base el customer engagement y el customer success.

Palabras clave: customer engagement, customer experience, customer success, fidelización, marketing relacional, proceso de venta.

Relationship marketing also called relational marketing, plays an important role in customer loyalty, relationships, and retention with a brand. The three types or so-called aspects of this part of the marketing, which were analyzed in this study are: customer engagement or consumer commitment, customer experience or consumer experience and customer success or consumer success. The objective of this study was to analyze the types of marketing, based on the relational aspect, which includes characteristics, dimensions and especially activities. This analysis come together with the sales or the commercial process of organizations. For this, the Relationship Marketing Pyramid was proposed as a tool to achieve relational objectives using customer engagement and customer experience. This study was carried out under an exhaustive literature review scheme and a descriptive theory, in which empirical, theoretical, analytical, and critical scientific publications were analyzed. After the analysis, it was concluded that the type of relationship marketing with the greatest number of activities related to the commercial process is the customer experience, since its main objective is to provide and maintain a positive experience from the beginning to the end of the process of a consumer’s purchase. The Relationship Marketing Pyramid took a different form based on customer engagement and customer success.

Keywords: customer engagement, customer experience, customer success, loyalty, relationship marketing, sales process
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