Taxation and its relationship to Human rights and Business




business, taxation, human rights, extra fiscal


The company plays a fundamental role within society for the fulfillment and respect of human rights since it is a fundamental operator and manager of economic growth since it allows the generation of jobs. This is the best way to satisfy basic needs and, therefore, respect the fundamental rights of people. One aspect to consider in the business world and in any social
organization is the one that deals with the obligation to contribute. It is essential for a government to be able to carry out work, to maintain the necessary institutions to enforce rights and not live in absolute chaos, and for all citizens to contribute so that the state can function. Taxes are born with a double function: on the one hand, they have a collection purpose and serve to contribute to the state budget, allowing basic rights to be satisfied, such as education and health, among others. On the other hand, the purpose of taxation is not revenue-raising and fulfills an extra-fiscal function; that is, its objective is to influence the behavior of taxpayers, heavily taxing behaviors that are alien to the general interests of a
society and generating tax incentives that seek to encourage companies to develop plans that serve to fulfill and protect human rights, such as the inclusion of discriminated people or projects aimed at environmental conservation.


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How to Cite

Vega-Malo, S. (2024). Taxation and its relationship to Human rights and Business. DICERE Revista De Derecho Y Estudios Internacionales, 1(1), 48–64.


