Compliance and corporate social responsibility: Relationship with human rights




Human rights, business, compliance, corporate social responsibility CSR, Corruption


Compliance and corporate social responsibility are transversal axes that economic organizations should consider in their internal structure. In the first place, they have to include policies that implement preventive actions to protect and guarantee social welfare derived from the correct application of due diligence and regulatory compliance. The organizations aim to observe these actions in all of the phases of the productive and commercial processes for which their core business is destined. In second place, organizations aim to contribute to the community by establishing various corporate social responsibility programs in order to support the intellectual, academic, scientific, labor, environmental, and economic growth of their environment. This is promoted by the basic principle of the human being, which includes acting in solidarity with others by protecting basic human rights in a dignified, safe, and legitimate environment that strengthens society as a whole. The purpose of this paper is to denote the importance of the application of compliance and corporate social responsibility, and to explore how this positively affects the establishment of social spaces in which, away from illegitimate, illicit, and unempathetic practices, the strengthening of the rights of human beings is promoted, both within the organization as well as the social conglomerate of which it is a part.


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How to Cite

Palacios-Sacoto, E. (2024). Compliance and corporate social responsibility: Relationship with human rights. DICERE Revista De Derecho Y Estudios Internacionales, 1(1), 14–26.


